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Install the tidyverse package

If you have not done so already, please install the suite of packages called tidyverse using the code below.


Setting up the working directory

Next, let’s set up our working directory and bring in data:

  1. Create new project called Tidyverse.

    • Open RStudio
    • Go to the File menu and select New Project.
    • In the New Project window, choose New Directory. Then, choose Empty Project. Name your new directory Tidyverse and then “Create the project as subdirectory of:” the Desktop (or location of your choice).
    • Click on Create Project.
    • After your project is completed, if the project does not automatically open in RStudio, then go to the File menu, select Open Project, and choose Tidyverse.Rproj.
    • When RStudio opens, you will see three panels in the window.
    • Go to the File menu and select New File, and select R Script. The RStudio interface should now look like the screenshot below.

    RStudio interface

  2. Click on the “Files” tab to show the file directory, and click on the “New Folder” button.

    RStudio interface

    Create the following folders:

    • data
    • results
    • figures
  3. Right-click here to download the file to your data folder (choose to Save Link As or Download Linked File As). You should see it in data folder in the RStudio “Files” tab.

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