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Functions Practical - Answer Key

  1. Let’s first create a function fahrenheit_to_celsius, which converts temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. The formula is as follows: Temp_Celsius = (Temp_Fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9. Test your function - fahrenheit_to_celsius(32) should give output of 0.
fahrenheit_to_celsius <- function(temp_F) {
  temp_C <- (temp_F - 32) * 5 / 9
  return (temp_C)
  1. Then let’s create another function celsius_to_kelvin, which converts temperature from Celsius to Kelvin. The formula is as follows: Temp_Kelvin = Temp_Celsius + 273.15. Test your function - celsius_to_kelvin(0) should give output of 273.15.
celsius_to_kelvin <- function(temp_C) {
  temp_K <- temp_C + 273.15
  return (temp_K)
  1. Using the two functions above, write one line code that converts temperature of 32 in Fahrenheit to corresponding temperature in Kelvin. Hint: think about “nesting” one function inside another one.