Day 1 Answer key
Assessing sample similarity and identifying potential outliers
1. Read in the file data/
and save it to a variable. This matrix contains counts for input samples as well.
counts_input <- read.delim("data/multiBamSummary/", sep = "\t")
2. Transform the data using vst()
- Hint: You will need to follow a similar process as above to first clean the count matrix and create a dds object.
- Hint: You may find it useful to include input/ChIPseq as a metadata factor.
# Remove genomic coordinate info
plot_counts_input <- data.frame(counts_input[, 4:ncol(counts_input)])
# Change column names
colnames(plot_counts_input) <- colnames(plot_counts_input) %>%
str_replace( "X.", "") %>%
str_remove( "\\.$")
# Create meta
meta_input <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(plot_counts_input),
genotype = colnames(plot_counts_input) %>% str_remove("\\_.*"),
sample = ifelse(grepl("i", colnames(plot_counts_input)), "input", "ChIPseq"))
# Create DESeq2 object
dds_input <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(plot_counts_input, meta_input, design = ~sample + genotype)
# Run vst and extract transformed counts
vst_input <- vst(dds_input)
vst_input_counts <- assay(vst_input)
3. Use the vst data to draw a PCA plot. How do samples separate on the plot? How much variance is explained by PC1 and PC2?
# Compute principal components
pc_input <- prcomp(t(vst_input_counts))
plot_pca_input <- data.frame(pc_input$x, meta_input)
summary(pc_input) # will tell you how much variance is explained by each PC
# Plot with sample names used as data points
ggplot(plot_pca_input, aes(PC1, PC2, color = genotype, shape = sample,
label = rownames(plot_pca_input)), size = 3) +
theme_bw() +
geom_point() +
geom_text_repel() +
xlab('PC1 (84% of variance)') +
ylab('PC2 (3% of variance)') +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.3, 0.3)) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = rel(1.5)),
axis.title = element_text(size = rel(1.5)),
axis.text = element_text(size = rel(1.25)))
Samples separate by input/ChIPseq on PC1 (84% of variance). PC2 explains only 3% of variance.
4. Use the vst data to draw a correlation heatmap. How does this result compare to the PCA plot? Do we see defined block structure in the heatmap?
# Set annotation and colors
annotation <- meta_input
heat.colors <- brewer.pal(6, "YlOrRd")
# Plot ICA heatmap
pheatmap(cor(vst_input_counts), color = heat.colors, annotation = annotation)
As seen in the PCA, samples separate cleanly by input/ChIPseq. Within each group, there is no clear separation by genotype.
Concordance across replicates using peak overlaps
1. Find the overlapping peaks across the cKO samples. Store the result to a variable called olaps_cko.
olaps_cko <- findOverlapsOfPeaks(cKO_H3K27ac_ChIPseq_REP1,
cKO_H3K27ac_ChIPseq_REP3, connectedPeaks = "merge")
2. Use the results from olaps_cko to draw a Venn Diagram. What number of peaks occur in all three replicates?
venstats <- makeVennDiagram(olaps_cko, connectedPeaks = "merge",
fill = c("#CC79A7", "#56B4E9", "#F0E442"), # circle fill color
col = c("#D55E00", "#0072B2", "#E69F00"), # circle border color
cat.col = c("#D55E00", "#0072B2", "#E69F00")) # category name color
There are ~53k peaks in all 3 replicates.
3. Extract the required data from olaps_cko to create an UpSet plot. Draw the Upset plot. How many peaks are unique to each replicate?
# Prepare data for UpSetR
set_counts <- olaps_cko$venn_cnt[, colnames(olaps_cko$venn_cnt)] %>% %>%
mutate(group_number = row_number()) %>%
pivot_longer(!Counts & !group_number, names_to = 'sample', values_to = 'member') %>%
filter(member > 0) %>%
group_by(Counts, group_number) %>%
summarize(group = paste(sample, collapse = '&'))
# Set required variables
set_counts_upset <- set_counts$Counts
names(set_counts_upset) <- set_counts$group
# Plot the UpSet plot
upset(fromExpression(set_counts_upset), = "freq", text.scale = 1.5)
Replicate 1 has 12,200 unique peaks; replicate 2 has 10,815, and replicate 3 has 13,046.