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Working in an HPC environment

Learning Objectives

Clarifying some terminology


CPUs (Central Processing Units) are composed of a single or multiple cores. If I have a processor with 4 “cores”, i.e. a “quad-core” processor. This means that my processor can do 4 distinct computations at the same time.

Data Storage

Data storage is measured in bytes, usually Gibibytes (GiB), Tebibytes (TiB), Pebibytes (PiB). My laptop has 500 GiB of storage, which is pretty standard for laptops.

Note: You might be confused by these units. Generally speaking, you can think of a KiB =~ kB, MiB =~ MB, GiB =~ GB and TiB =~ TB. This nonmenclature comes from the difference that computers measure space in binary (base 2), while the prefixes are derived from a metric (base 10) system. So, a KiB is actually 1024 bytes worth of space, while a KB is 1000 bytes worth of space. The table below can help further demonstrate these differences.

Unit Size in Bytes Unit Size in Bytes
Kilobyte (kB) 1,0001 = 1,000 Kibibyte (KiB) 1,0241 = 1,024
Megabyte (MB) 1,0002 = 1,000,000 Mebibyte (MiB) 1,0242 = 1,048,576
Gigabyte (GB) 1,0003 = 1,000,000,000 Gibibyte (GiB) 1,0243 = 1,073,741,824
Terabyte (TB) 1,0004 = 1,000,000,000,000 Tebibyte (TiB) 1,0244 = 1,099,511,627,776
Petabyte (PB) 1,0005 = 1,000,000,000,000,000 Pebibyte (TiB) 1,0245 = 1,125,899,906,842,620


Memory is a small amount of volatile or temporary information storage. This is distinct from data storage we discussed in the previous point. It is an essential component of any computer, as this is where data is stored when some computation is being performed on it. If you have ever used R, all the objects in your environment are usually stored in memory until you save your environment. My laptop has 16 GiB of memory, which is a little higher than average.

Why use the cluster or an HPC environment?

  1. A lot of software is designed to work with the resources on an HPC environment and is either unavailable for, or unusable on, a personal computer.
  2. If you are performing analysis on large data files (e.g. high-throughput sequencing data), you should work on the cluster to avoid issues with memory and to get the analysis done a lot faster with the superior processing capacity. Essentially, a cluster has:
    • 100s of cores for processing!
    • 100s of Gibibytes or Petabytes of storage!
    • 100s of Gibibytes of memory!


Point 2 in the last section brings us to the idea of parallelization or parallel computing that enables us to efficiently use the resources available on the cluster.

What if we had 3 input files that we wanted to analyze? Well, we could process these files in serial, i.e. use the same core(s) over and over again, with or without multithreading, as shown in the image below.

This is great, but it is not as efficient as multithreading each analysis, and using a set of 8 cores for each of the three input samples. With this type of parallelization, several samples can be analysed at the same time!

Connect to a login node on O2

Let’s get started with the hands-on component by typing in the following command to log in to O2:


You will receive a prompt for your password, and you should type in your associated password; note that the cursor will not move as you type in your password.

A warning might pop up the first time you try to connect to a remote machine, type “Yes” or “Y”.

Once logged in, you should see the O2 icon, some news, and the command prompt, e.g. [rc_training10@login01 ~]$.

Note 1: ssh stands for secure shell. All of the information (like your password) going between your computer and the O2 login computer is encrypted when using ssh.

About nodes:

Connect to a compute node on O2

You can access compute nodes in 2 ways using a job scheduler or resource manager like Slurm.

  1. Directly using an interactive session (Slurm’s srun command):
    • The srun command with a few mandatory parameters will create an “interactive session” on O2.
    • This is essentially a way for us to do work on the compute node directly from the terminal.
    • If the connectivity to the cluster is lost in the middle of a command being run that work will be lost in an interactive session.
  2. By starting a “batch” job (Slurm’s sbatch command):
    • The sbatch command with a few mandatory parameters + a specialized shell script will result in the script being run on a compute node.
    • This “job” will not be accessible directly from the Terminal and will run in the background.
    • Users do not need to remain connected to the cluster when such a “batch job” is running.

For now let’s start an interactive session on O2 using srun.

$ srun --pty -p interactive -t 0-3:00 --mem 1G /bin/bash

In the above command the parameters we are using are requesting specific resources:

These parameters are used for sbatch as well, but they are listed differently within the script used to submit a batch job. We will be reviewing this later in this lesson.

Make sure that your command prompt now contains the word “compute”, e.g. [rc_training10@compute-a-16-163 ~]$. You are now working on a compute node directly in an “interactive” session!

Let’s check how many jobs we have running currently, and what resources they are using.

$ O2squeue

More about Slurm

Requesting resources from Slurm

Below is table with some of the arguments you can specify when requesting resources from Slurm for both srun and sbatch:

Argument Description / Input Examples Links
-p name of compute partition short, medium, interactive O2 Wiki - Guidelines for choosing a partition
-t how much time to allocate to job 0-03:00, 5:00:00 O2 Wiki - Time limits for each partition
-c max cores 4, 8 O2 Wiki - How many cores?
--mem max memory 8G, 8000 O2 Wiki - Memory requirements
-o name of file to create with standard output %j.out O2 Wiki
-e name of file to create with standard error %j.err O2 Wiki
-J name of the job Fastqc_run, rnaseq_workflow_mov10 O2 Wiki
--mail-type send an email when job starts, ends or errors out END, ALL O2 Wiki
--mail-user send email to this address O2 Wiki

sbatch job submission script

An sbatch job submission script is essentially a normal shell script with the Slurm resource request specified at the top (Slurm directives) preceded by #SBATCH. Below is an example of an sbatch shell script that is requesting the following:


#! /bin/sh

#SBATCH -p short
#SBATCH –t 0-02:00
#SBATCH –c 4
#SBATCH --mem=400M
#SBATCH –o %j.out
#SBATCH –e %j.err
#SBATCH -J fastqc_run
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

## Load the fastqc module
module load fastqc/0.11.5

# run fastqc (multithreaded)
fastqc -t 4 file1_1.fq file1_2.fq file2_1.fq file2_2.fq

Using software on O2

LMOD system

In the above example we want to run the FastQC tool on four files. However, before we use the fastqc command, we’ve used the command module load fastqc/0.11.5. This module load command is part of the LMOD system available on O2. It enables users to access software installed on O2 easily, and manages every software’s dependency. The LMOD system adds directory paths of software executables and their dependencies (if any) into the $PATH variable.

So, instead of using /n/app/fastqc/0.11.5/bin/fastqc as our command, we can load the module and use fastqc as the command.

Some key LMOD commands are listed below:

LMOD command description
module spider List all possible modules on the cluster
module spider modulename List all possible versions of that module
module avail List available modules available on the cluster
module avail string List available modules containing that string
module load modulename/version Add the full path to the tool to $PATH (and modify other environment variables)
module list List loaded modules
module unload modulename/version Unload a specific module
module purge Unload all loaded modules

Note: On O2, a lot of tools used for analysis of sequencing data need to have the gcc compiler module loaded (module load gcc/6.2.0) prior to loading the tool of interest.


  1. What are the contents of the $PATH environment variable?
  2. Try running the multiqc command. What do you get as output?
  3. Check if the multiqc tool is available as a module. How many versions of multiqc are available?
  4. Load multiqc/1.9. Did you have to load any additional modules?
  5. List all the modules loaded in your environment
  6. Try running the multiqc command again. What do you get as output?
  7. Use the which command to find out where the multiqc tool is in the file system.
  8. Check the contents of the $PATH environment variable again. Any changes compared to before?

Filesystems on O2

Please find more information about storage on O2 by clicking here.

More about /n/scratch

This lesson has been developed by members of the teaching team at the Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core (HBC). These are open access materials distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.