Approximate time: 40 minutes

Learning Objectives


Unix controls who can read, modify, and run files using permissions.

Users of a multi-user UNIX system can belong to any number of groups.

Let’s see what groups we all belong to:

% groups

Depending on various factors, we all belong to at least a couple of groups, eg.

As you can imagine, on a shared system it is important to protect each user’s data. To start, every file and directory on a Unix computer belongs to one owner and one group. Along with each file’s content, the operating system stores the information about the user and group that own it, which is the “metadata” for a given file.

The user-and-group model means that for each file every user on the system falls into one of three categories:

For each of these three categories, the computer keeps track of whether people in that category can read the file, write to the file, or execute the file (i.e., run it if it is a program).

Let’s look at this model in action by running the command ls -l ~/unix_lesson, to list the files in that directory:

% ls -l

The -l flag tells ls to give us a long-form listing. It’s a lot of information, so let’s go through the columns in turn.

On the right side, we have the files’ names. Next to them, moving left, are the times and dates they were last modified (time stamp). Backup systems and other tools use this information in a variety of ways, but you can use it to tell when you (or anyone else with permission) last changed a file.

Next to the modification time is the file’s size in bytes and the names of the user and group that owns it. We’ll skip over the second column for now (the one showing 1 for each file), because it’s the first column that we care about most. This shows the file’s permissions, i.e., who can read, write, or execute it.

Let’s have a closer look at one of those permission strings for README.txt:


The first character tells us whether the listing is a regular file - or a directory d, or there may be some other character meaning more esoteric things. In this case, it is - which means it is a regular file.

The next 9 characters are usually some combination of the following in the order listed below:

= read permission

= write/modify permission

= execute permission (run a script/program or traverse a directory).

The next three characters tell us what permissions the file’s owner has. Here, the owner can read and write the file: rw-.

The middle triplet shows us the group’s permissions. If the permission is turned off, we see a dash, so rw- means “read and write, but not execute”. (In this case the group and the owner are the same so it makes sense that this is the same for both.)

The final triplet shows us what everyone who isn’t the file’s owner, or in the file’s group, can do. In this case, it’s r-- again, so everyone else on the system can read the file’s contents.

Now, if we take a look at the permissions for directories (e.g. drwxrwsr-x): the x for the permissions here indicates that “execute” is turned on. What does that mean, given that a directory isn’t a program or an executable file, we can’t “execute” it?

Well, x means something different for directories. It gives someone the right to traverse the directory, but not to look at its contents. This is beyond the scope of today’s class, but note that you can give access to a specific file that’s deep inside a directory structure without giving them access to all the files and sub-directories within.

Sometimes the x is replaced by another character, but it is beyond the scope of today’s class. You can get more information here, if you are interested.

To see some examples of files that are actually executable, try ls -l /usr/sbin.

Changing permissions

To change permissions, we use the chmod command (whose name stands for “change mode”). Let’s make our README.txt file inaccessible to all users other than you and the group the file belong to (you, in this case), currently they are able to read it:

% ls -l ~/unix_lesson/README.txt
% chmod o-rw ~/unix_lesson/README.txt         # the "-" after o denotes removing that permission

% ls -l ~/unix_lesson/README.txt

The o signals that we’re changing the privileges of “others”.

Let’s change it back to allow it to be readable by others:

% chmod o+r ~/unix_lesson/README.txt         # the "+" after o denotes adding/giving that permission

% ls -l ~/unix_lesson/README.txt

If we wanted to make this an executable file for ourselves (the file’s owners) we would say chmod u+rwx, where the u signals that we are changing permission for the file’s owner. To change permissions for the “group”, you’d use the letter g, e.g. chmod g-w.

The fact that something is marked as executable doesn’t actually mean it contains or is a program of some kind. We could easily mark the ~/unix_lesson/raw_fastq/Irrel_kd_1.subset.fq file as executable using chmod. Depending on the operating system we’re using, trying to “run” it will fail (because it doesn’t contain instructions the computer recognizes, i.e. it is not a script of some type).


If ls -l myfile.php returns the following details:

-rwxr-xr-- 1 caro zoo  2312  2014-10-25 18:30 myfile.php

Which of the following statements is true?

  1. members of caro (a group) can read, write, and execute myfile.php
  2. members of zoo (a group) cannot execute myfile.php
  3. caro (the owner) can read, write, and execute myfile.php

Environment Variables

Environment variables are, in short, variables that describe the environment in which programs run, and they are predefined for a given computer or cluster that you are on. You can reset them to customize the environment. Two commonly encountered environment variables are HOME and PATH.

In the context of the shell the environment variables are usually all in upper case.

First, let’s see our list of environmental variables:

% env

Let’s see what is stored in these variables:

% echo $HOME

Variables, in most systems, are called or denoted with a “$” before the variable name, just like a regular variable.

% echo $PATH

I have a lot of full/absolute paths in my $PATH variable, which are separated from each other by a “:”; here is the list in a more readable format:

These are the directories that the shell will look through (in the same order as they are listed) for an executable file that you type on the command prompt.

When someone says a command or an executable file is “in you path”, they mean that the parent directory for that command or executable file is in the list within the $PATH variable.

For any command you execute on the command prompt, you can find out where they are located using the which command.

Try it on a few of the basic commands we have learned so far:

% which ls
% which <your favorite command>
% which <your favorite command>

Are the directories listed by the which command within $PATH?

Modifying Environment Variables

If you are interested in adding a new entry to the path variable, the command to use is export. This command is usually executed as follows:

export PATH=$PATH:~/opt/bin, which tells the shell to add the ~/opt/bin directory to the end of the preexisting list within $PATH. Alternatively, if you use export PATH=~/opt/bin:$PATH, the same directory will be added to the beginning of the list. The order determines which directory the shell will look in first to find a program.

Closer look at the inner workings of the shell, in the context of $PATH

The $PATH variable is reset to a set of defaults (/bin:/usr/bin and so on), each time you start a new shell Terminal. To make sure that a command/program you need is always at your fingertips, you have to put it in one of 2 special shell scripts that are always run when you start a new terminal. These are hidden files in your home directory called .bashrc and .bash_profile. You can create them if they don’t exist, and shell will use them.

Check what hidden files exist in our home directory using the -a flag:

% ls -al ~/

Open the .bashrc file and at the end of the file add an export PATH=/path/to/tool:$PATH command that adds a specific location to the list in $PATH. This way when you start a new shell, that location will always be in your path.

In closing, permissions and environment variables, especially $PATH, are very useful and important concepts to understand in the context of shell and HPC.

This lesson has been developed by members of the teaching team at the Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core (HBC). These are open access materials distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.