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Approximate time: 75 minutes

Learning Objectives:

Differential expression between conditions using FindMarkers()

In our current UMAP, we have merged samples across the different conditions and used integration to align cells of the same celltype across samples. Now, what of we were interested in a particular celltype and understanding how gene expression changes across the different conditions?

The FindMarkers() function in the Seurat package is used to perform differential expression analysis between groups of cells. We provide arguments to specify ident.1 and ident.2 the two groups of cells we are interested in comparing. Typically, this function is used to compare two different clusters of cells and resulting gene lists are used to help determine the celltype annotation.

We can use this same function to compare two groups of cells which represent differnt conditions by modifying the ident values provided. The FindMarkers() function has several important arguments we can modify when running it. To view what these parameters are, we can access the help page on this function:


Below we have described in more detail what each of these arguments mean :

Setting up

Open up a new Rscript file, and start with some comments to indicate what this file is going to contain:

# Single-cell RNA-seq DE analysis - FindMarkers

Save the Rscript as findMarkers.R.

Load libraries

Now let’s load the required libraries for this analysis:

# Load libraries


To use the function to look for a DE genes betwenn conditions, there are two things we need to do:

  1. Subset the Seurat object to our celltype of interest
  2. Set our active Idents to be the metadata column which specifies what condition each cell is

In our example we are focusing on vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cells. The comparison we will be making is TN vs. cold7.

# Subset the object
seurat_vsm <- subset(seurat, subset = (celltype == "VSM"))

# Set the idents
Idents(seurat_vsm) <- "condition"

Before we make our comparisons we will explicitly set our default assay, we want to use the normalized data, not the integrated data.

# Set default assay
DefaultAssay(seurat_vsm) <- "RNA"

The default assay should have already been RNA, but we encourage you to run this line of code above to be absolutely sure in case the active slot was changed somewhere upstream in your analysis.

Why don’t we use SCT normalized data?

Note that the raw and normalized counts are stored in the counts and data slots of RNA assay, respectively. By default, the functions for finding markers will use normalized data if RNA is the DefaultAssay. The number of features in the RNA assay corresponds to all genes in our dataset.

Now if we consider the SCT assay, functions for finding markers would use the slot which is the pearson residuals that come out of regularized NB regression. Differential expression on these values can be difficult interpret. Additionally, only the variable features are represented in this assay and so we may not have data for some of our marker genes.

Now we can run FindMarkers():

# Determine differentiating markers for TN and cold7
dge_vsm <- FindMarkers(seurat_vsm,

Now let’s take a quick look at the results:

# View results 
dge_vsm %>% head()
                p_val avg_log2FC pct.1 pct.2     p_val_adj
Gm42418 4.492261e-223  1.8013603 0.999 0.986 8.881650e-219
Ubb     1.801612e-207 -0.8274973 0.982 0.999 3.561968e-203
H3f3b   6.044423e-198 -0.9395566 0.975 0.998 1.195043e-193
Nr4a2   9.607598e-193 -2.1841673 0.503 0.855 1.899518e-188
Rpl21   2.319987e-190 -0.6377144 0.967 0.998 4.586847e-186
Rpl9    1.249444e-187 -0.6824496 0.954 0.999 2.470276e-183

The output from the FindMarkers() function is a matrix containing a ranked list of differentialy expressed genes listed by gene ID and associated statistics. We describe some of these columns below:

NOTE: These tests treat each cell as an independent replicate and ignore inherent correlations between cells originating from the same sample. This results in highly inflated p-values for each gene. Studies have been shown to find a large number of false positive associations with these results.

When looking at the output, we suggest looking for markers with large differences in expression between pct.1 and pct.2 and larger fold changes. For instance if pct.1 = 0.90 and pct.2 = 0.80, it may not be as exciting of a marker. However, if pct.2 = 0.1 instead, the bigger difference would be more convincing. Also of interest is whether the majority of cells expressing the marker are in your group of interest. If pct.1 is low, such as 0.3, it may not be as interesting. Both of these are also possible parameters to include when running the function, as described above.

This is a great spot to pause and save your results!

write.csv(dge_vsm, "results/findmarkers_vsm.csv")

Significant genes

We want to subset our results to show just our significant genes so we can begin visualizaing and analysing the results. To do this, we filter out rows based upon the p_val_adj column and subsetting any genes that do not meet our multiple testing-corrected significance threshold of 0.05.

# Subset significant genes
dge_vsm_sig <- dge_vsm %>% subset(p_val_adj < 0.05)
dge_vsm_sig %>% head()
                p_val avg_log2FC pct.1 pct.2     p_val_adj
Gm42418 4.492261e-223  1.8013603 0.999 0.986 8.881650e-219
Ubb     1.801612e-207 -0.8274973 0.982 0.999 3.561968e-203
H3f3b   6.044423e-198 -0.9395566 0.975 0.998 1.195043e-193
Nr4a2   9.607598e-193 -2.1841673 0.503 0.855 1.899518e-188
Rpl21   2.319987e-190 -0.6377144 0.967 0.998 4.586847e-186
Rpl9    1.249444e-187 -0.6824496 0.954 0.999 2.470276e-183

Volcano plot

To get a first look at the genes that are retained, we can generated a volcano plot using the EnhancedVolcano() function. This is a visualization that allows us to quickly see trends in the significant genes. The x-axis here represents the average log2 fold change value, showing the degree of difference between the two conditions. On the y-axis, we see our p_val_adj column represented after a negative log10 transformation is applied to better see the spread of our p-values.

Volcano plots show us a great overview of which genes are up-regulated (positive on the x-axis) or down-regulated (negative on the x-axis).

# Volcano plot

Violin plots

While looking at the overall trends in the data is a great starting point, we can also start looking at genes that have large differences between TN and cold7. To do this, we can take a look at the top 6 genes with the smallest p-values. We additionally disregard the ribsomal genes in this visualization step.

# Get the gene names and get the first 6 values
# Ignore ribosomal genes
genes <- dge_vsm_sig %>%
  rownames_to_column(var="gene") %>%
  filter(!str_detect(gene, "Rpl|Rps")) %>% 
genes <- genes$gene
[1] "Gm42418" "Ubb"     "H3f3b"   "Nr4a2"   "Cebpb"   "Fau"    

With these genes selected, we can now being to visualize the distribution of expression across our two conditions using the VlnPlot() function.

# Set Idents and draw Violin plots for top 6 genes
Idents(seurat_vsm) <- "condition"
VlnPlot(seurat_vsm, genes, ncol=3, idents=c("TN", "cold7"))

UMAP plots

When comparing two different conditions, we recommend creating a UMAP that clearly shows where the cells exist for each condition. To do so, we first need to get the UMAP coordinates for every cell of interest. When creating the scatterplot, the first thing we do is put a layer of light gray points that show the entire dataset to understand where all the cells fall. Then, we take the UMAP coordinates of the condition (TN or cold7 in our example) and plot those on top with a color to clearly indicate where those cells are located.

NOTE: This sometime works better on the non-integrated data, so you observe a true separation of cells by condition.

# Grab the umap coordinates and condition information for each cell
df <- FetchData(seurat_vsm, c("umap_1", "umap_2", "condition"))
df_tn <- df %>% subset(condition == "TN")
df_cold7 <- df %>% subset(condition == "cold7")

# Scatterplot of TN cells
p_tn <- ggplot() +
  geom_point(data=df, aes(x=umap_1, y=umap_2), color="lightgray", alpha=0.5) +
  geom_point(data=df_tn, aes(x=umap_1, y=umap_2), color="#F8766D") +
  theme_classic() +
  ggtitle("VSM: TN cells")

# Scatterplot of cold7 cells
p_cold7 <- ggplot() +
  geom_point(data=df, aes(x=umap_1, y=umap_2), color="lightgray", alpha=0.5) +
  geom_point(data=df_cold7, aes(x=umap_1, y=umap_2), color="#00B8E7") +
  theme_classic() +
  ggtitle("VSM: cold7 cells")

# TN and cold7 UMAPs side by side
p_tn + p_cold7

This allows us to better understand our results when we look at any follow-up information on our UMAP. For example, we can begin to look at distribution of gene expression for each of the top 6 genes with a better understanding of where the cells for each condition lie:

FeaturePlot(seurat_vsm, genes, ncol=3)

Other statistical tests

When we looked at the extra explanations for the FindMarkers() function, there was a parameter called test.use. By default, the method for calculating differentially expressed genes will be a Wilcoxon Rank sum test. This is a fairly simple statistical approach, and there a multitude of different algorithms that can be specified. These other options are documented on the FindMarkers() documentation page. For this workshop we want to highlight a few of these methods:

Wilcoxon Rank Sum test


NOTE: The creators of the Seurat package no longer recommend using the FindMarkers() implementation of DESeq2.

### MAST

NOTE: Instead of using the FindMarkers() implementation, we recommend directly using the MAST algorithm from the package itself for the best results.

If you are interested in exploring code to run MAST on this dataset directly using the package, please see the script at the link below. We recommend including the sample in the model to improve results by taking into account biological variability. Please note that this is a computationally intensive calculation and may take a long time to run.

Click here for code to plot the two barplots side-by-side
Note that this R code below uses the MAST library. In order to run this you will need to first install the required packagea and then > load the libraries.

# Seurat to SingleCellExperiment
DefaultAssay(seurat_vsm) <- "RNA"
sce <- as.SingleCellExperiment(seurat_vsm)
# Apply log transformation
assay(sce, "logcounts") <- log2(counts(sce) + 1)

# Create new sce object (with only 'logcounts' matrix)
sce_1 <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(logcounts = assay(sce, "logcounts")))
colData(sce_1) <- colData(sce)

# Change to SingleCellAssay
sca <- SceToSingleCellAssay(sce_1)

# Calculate number of genes expressed per cell and scale the value
cdr2 <- colSums(SummarizedExperiment::assay(sca) > 0)
colData(sca)$cngeneson <- scale(cdr2)

# Takes a long time to calculate!
# Here our model includes:
	# The number of genes expressed (ngeneson)
	# Experimental condition (condition)
	# Sample as a random variable ((1 | sample))

zlmCond <- zlm(~condition + cngeneson + (1 | sample), 
               sca, method="glmer", ebayes=FALSE)

# Only test the condition coefficient.
summaryCond <- summary(zlmCond, doLRT='conditionTN') 

# Some data wranging of the results
summaryDt <- summaryCond$datatable
fcHurdle <- merge(summaryDt[contrast=='conditionTN' & component=='H',.(primerid, `Pr(>Chisq)`)], #hurdle P values
                 summaryDt[contrast=='conditionTN' & component=='logFC', 
                           .(primerid, coef, ci.hi, ci.lo)], by='primerid') #logFC coefficients

fcHurdle[,fdr:=p.adjust(`Pr(>Chisq)`, 'fdr')]

This lesson has been developed by members of the teaching team at the Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core (HBC). These are open access materials distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.